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Monday, August 22, 2011

Good Readers Good Writters

Vladimir Nabokov was a multilingual Russian novelist and short story writer
Vladimir Nabokov was a multilingual Russian novelist and short story writer.
Nabokov points out in is shorts story “Good readers and good writers” that a good reader has as he calls: Impersonal imagination, artistic delights and as well has to be a re-reader. Therefore the reader must know when and where to curb his imagination. At the end one of the things that I really liked and I really agree with is that he ends up saying that a good reader reads the genius not with his heart nor with his brain but with his spine.
I really agree with the assumptions of Nabokov because sometimes we as readers don’t have an open mind or sometimes we have something in our brains that don’t let us completely understand the author’s ideas and assumptions. In the other hand if we read with the spine we will actually understand a lot more and also the author it’s going to have the ability of transporting the reader into his world. In my own opinion a good reader has different characteristics, first he has to acquire the habit of reading constantly, he needs to have an open mind, imagination, sense of humor and also to read with the spine. To be honest I don’t consider myself a good reader, I have some of the qualities but I still need to work on others, it seems that sometimes my mind goes away or I get distracted by something else, also due to my first language but I’m working on my reading skills and comprehension.

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